Anniversary Countdown

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Total Neglection...

Ok, ok... I will admit I have been a TERRIBLE blogger lately. There really hasn't been a good reason for not blogging, other than I just haven't been motivated to do it... I know that is an awful excuse. I do promise to do a better job and hopefully add some more thought-provoking posts as well. Also, be on the lookout for a random post or two from the sweet hubs, Blake.

For now, here is just a little update on the Holman household....

- the house is officially on the market (please pray for the perfect family to buy our house... and quickly)

- I spent a week in Orlando for a business meeting

- Blake and I were finally reunited after 2 weeks of being apart... way more difficult than I thought it would be! I love my hubby time!

- I started a new position with my company- still a drug rep, just new doctors and territory AND I went part-time... I am totally LOVING part-time, so far.

- I started working out again...I'm doing the Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred. We will see how this goes... but so far, it has really kicked my butt! If you don't know who Jillian Michaels is...she is one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser (one of my favorite shows!) I'll keep you updated on how it is going and if I am seeing a difference. I am not really trying to lose weight (maybe 5 pounds), just really wanting to tone up!

- Had a lunch date with Jo and sweet little Pierce!

- Saw Bride Wars and Deviance.... both great movies...VERY different plots!

- Added Slumdog Millionare and Gran Torino to my list of movies I want to see.

- Blake and I went to Edmond to visit my mom's new spa, Bella Strada and she treated us to massages, a facial, mani/pedi and hair treatments! Thanks Bella... it was fabulous- can't wait to come back! AND saw my awesome cousins play basketball!

- Spent a great Sunday afternoon in Henrietta with Meme and Gramps, Aunt Nancy, John, Lacy and Aubrey!

- Blake celebrated 27 years of life!! We went to a fantastic dinner at Del Frisco's with the Holmans...thanks for a great night out!

- We had a double date night with my sis and bro-in-law, Melissa and Ryan!

- We planned a ski trip with the Cavazos' and leave one week from tomorrow! Breckenridge, here we come!

- Found out one of my best friends is moving to London!!! Already started to plan a trip to come visit and possibly run the London marathon...ha!

SO there you have it. We have done lots and are really enjoying being back in Tejas!! Be checking back for many more updates!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

08 was GREAT but I think 09 will be DIVINE!

We spent New Years Eve this year with Camps at their really fabulous cabin in the North Georgia mountains. It was such a great night- Paige cooked a yummy dinner - lamb, roasted potatoes, beans, and Blake's favorite, bananas foster! We watched some football, toasted to the new year, then put on swimsuits and hopped in the pseudo-hot tub (their enormous bath tub) to enjoy some more wine and sweet tea vodka! It was the perfect night and followed by a perfect start to 09!

With a new year comes new adventures and as you all know, the biggest adventure for the Holmans this year is going to be the BIG move to Dallas that is going to take place in the next couple of weeks. We have been crazy packing around here (it took 2 days just to do the kitchen!!!), I am flying out tomorrow morning to Dallas to start work on Jan. 5 - Blake will follow a few weeks later with a trailer full of some of our stuff. We both know that God has an amazing plan for us and will work everything out for the best. We both have a little bit of anxiety about moving, mostly due to the stress of selling a house in the current real estate market, Blake finding a new job/maybe a new career in the Dallas area and changing from a 2 full time income household, to a full time and part time income household. We pray everyday that God will bless Blake with the BEST job for him - one that Blake will really enjoy doing every day and one that will provide for our family; we are also praying every day that God will allow the right family to see our house and want to buy it quickly. We think it is a fabulous house and we are VERY sad to leave it- but hope another family thinks it is fabulous too! Please keep us in your prayers over the next couple of months regarding these 2 situations. We really appreciate all of the support!

Now, with a new year also comes New Year Resolutions! I have ALWAYS tried to make some reasonable resolutions, and some follow through, and some don't. Last year, I wanted to lose some weight (typical...but I did lose 10 pounds in time for swimsuit season), and I also wanted to be really good at remembering everyone's birthdays and anniversaries AND get cards to them ON TIME (ON TIME is the key for me...I am good at remembering, and usually calling, but I am terrible about getting gifts and cards to people on time)... last year was no different... I broke my new years resolution just after I made it... I missed Kambry and Brian's anniversary on Jan 8!!! Bummer!

This year, I am once again going to make a few resolutions...and really try hard to keep them. The first is to not stress out about the small stuff. Some things do need a little more attention and stress than others- but I want to really work on realizing all of the positive things in life. Blake and I are very lucky to have the opportunity to move back home, to have my amazing parents who are letting us live at the lakehouse for free until we sell our house, to have great brothers and sisters that support and love us, to have Blake's great parents who are always willing to help, to have ALL FOUR sets of our grandparents still living, and to have some really incredible friends who are all so excited for us!!!! These are the things I want to dwell on during the more difficult times in life. All the other stuff isn't that important!

I also want to learn to control my tongue better with Blake. I love him so much, but every once and awhile I find myself not speaking very kindly to him. He does not deserve that and I want to be a better wife to him by speaking more kind words to him.

And my last resolution is going to be to run another marathon in 2009!! Some of you may know that back in 2003 my favorite Uncle Doug and I ran the OKC Marathon. It was a great race and I am so proud that I did it. I NEVER thought I would want to run another- after all, 26.2 miles in one day is enough right? In the last couple of months, I have decided that since I am going to be working part time this year, it gives me a great opportunity and plenty of time to get back in shape and attempt Marathon #2! As of right now, Kambry and I are talking about running the White Rock Marathon in Dallas next December. That gives me PLENTY of time to prepare and several races between now and then to train. We will see how it goes... I am really hoping that I follow through with this. It might be the last one I run before having kids- after that, life will get much more difficult to find 2-3 hours a day to run. Haha- I am sure my mom-friends are laughing right now, because I have no idea what life with a baby might be like.

This might be my most lengthy post- thanks for reading it! I will keep you all updated on the move, the new jobs, selling the house and of course the resolutions!