Happy Happy Birthday to the BEST Dad in the entire world!! I love you Dad!
I think anyone would agree that any man that can help raise 4 daughters has to be a pretty special dad. He didn't get to go to football practice, baseball games or hunting with his kids; instead he was at cheerleading competitions, coaching 6 year old girls soccer and buying matching dresses for all of us. But if you ask him on any given day, he would tell you that he wouldn't trade it for the world. He loves all his daughters deeply and cannot imagine raising boys. I think that is pretty special.
My favorite quote from my dad is: "Be careful what you pray for. When I was a little boy, I would pray that God would surround me with beautiful women... this is NOT what I had in mind... but I wouldn't trade it for anything!"
I have watched my parents relationship over the past several years and have noticed that my dad thinks my mom is one hot babe... and you can tell! He treats my mom like a queen and that is so neat to watch.
He is an amazing man that has provided for his family for so many years. He has led us to be strong women and always encouraged our faith. I sure wish I could be there with him on this very special day, but we will celebrate this weekend! Love you Dad!! Happy Birthday!
Now you be the judge.... doesn't he look like one fun dad??
Moments from walking me down the aisle...
being "tough" with his sons-in-law on the lake
a classic pic of Tommy Don Parker
Dancing with his bride
playing Wii with his nephews
his goofy joke for christmas decor at the lakehouse
Masters 2008 with 2 of his ladies
Christmas with his honey