Anniversary Countdown

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 9, 2004

On this exact day five years ago, Blake and I went on our "2nd First Date!" Now, I am sure most of you are wondering what a "2nd First Date" is. Well, let me just explain. Our actual first date was back in 2000, when we were young 18 year olds- freshman at Baylor. In fact, we both remember it pretty well- we went to see "Remeber the Titans" :) Well, we had a great time, but nothing really seemed to click at that point. So... we remained really good friends for the next 4 years - running into each other often, talking, lunch dates every once and while...nothing too big.

Flash forward to graduation night, May 2004. Blake was leaving the next morning for Baylor in Cuba. By the time he got back from Cuba - I would be in Michigan on a training assignment for work for the next 4 months. He came over to my apartment LATE LATE that night. We had a long talk - he told me he had feelings for me and he would call me as soon as he got back from Cuba. I half way believed him. But sure enough, the day he got home- he called. We talked off and on for the next several weeks. Remember - Blake was in Texas.... I was in Michigan!

Well, July rolled around and I had made plans to come back to Texas for a weekend to see family and go to Ashley Spitzer/Nathan Kavanaugh's wedding. I told Blake I was coming back and he asked if he could meet me up in Fort Worth and take me on a "REAL" date. I still remember to this day, telling my parents it wasn't a big deal - we were mostly just friends. But little did I know, that that date on July 9, 2004 would change my life. I fell head over heels for Michael Blake Holman! We had the best time in downtown FW - went to Mi Cocina, listened to some live music and went to see Anchorman :) After that night.... the rest was history! We both knew we would do anything to make this long-distance relationship work. And it did. This summer we will celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary! God has an amazing plan for our lives. It is so fun to watch it play out!

I don't have a picture from the night of our "2nd First Date"...but here is one from the following winter.

I have some old pics of B and I from summer 2004 - just can't seem to find them right now. I will enlighten you to all of those at another time. I would say 9 is our lucky number though....
"2nd First Date" - 7.9.04
Engagement - 1.19.06
Wedding - 9.9.06

1 comment:

Nicki W. said...

ahhhhhh! i heart a good love story and that is so sweet!! friends beforehand is the best way to go! :) ps--i was at the spitzer/kavanaugh wedding too :)